Thursday, September 18, 2008

Birthday whines and aches

Did you ever feel that kind of tired that is totally debilitating? The tired that knocks you for a loop and leaves your head feeling strangely unusual? That is the tired that I soooo often feel lately and I am starting to think it's just another symptom of the almost birthday week. I guess that my body is fighting this age thing as much as my mind is and it seems to be an ongoing battle. Tomorrow my son turns 24 and since he is almost exactly 20 years younger than me, that means that unfortunately next week I will be 44. Now I am not one of those woman who has ever lied about my age or even felt humiliated about those advancing years of mine but the toll it takes on my poor muscles and bones is just unsettling. I really do remember when standing for more than a few minutes didn't cause that excruciating pain to shoot down my bottom (that lovely sciatic nerve), when I could kneel and not feel those little bones grind in my knees (and it didn't make that lovely cracking noise like dry leaves in the fall) or when I didn't find some strange new area of my body that ached for no good reason (like my elbows hurt today....for crying out loud!) I know that these are just little flags my body sends out (little white flags of surrender I imagine), that tells me to take better care of this body while I still can, but still, enough is enough. Maybe this year for my birthday I can wish for a new body....that is if I can blow out all of those candles without losing a lung. Till next time.....

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